Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Old Trafford Community Academy


Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline. It is essential to everyday life. High-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. We believe there is no such thing as a ‘maths brain’ or a ‘non maths brain’ and will challenge this assumption wherever we find it. “No child is born a great mathematician, just like no child is born a concert pianist. Mathematics, like playing the piano, must be learnt through hard work, diligence and purposeful practice, all under the guidance of an expert instructor” (T. Garry 2020). We want children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, to be able to reason and to solve problems. Our aim is to teach mathematics using a mastery approach, enabling children to have a firm understanding of each concept taught and how different concepts link. Within each unit of work, we aim to include the five big ideas: representation & structure, mathematical thinking, fluency, variation and coherence. This will involve:

  • an emphasis on mathematical language and questioning
  • a CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach
  • bar modelling to support the understanding of problem solving
  • lessons to involve a mixture of modelled, shared and independent questions in the form of ‘ping pong’ teaching
  •  exploration time, where children are given the chance to love and learn more about mathematics

We believe children should have an ‘I can do’ attitude to maths. To support this, we have:

  • mixed ability teaching
  • all children accessing the same work
  • all children having access to appropriate equipment to support their learning
  • all children to be exposed to reasoning and problem solving

A small number of children may be unable to access their year group PoS. In this instance, the children should access mastery approach teaching at the appropriate cognitive level for them. In addition to the basic skills curriculum we have implemented a mental maths system, which all children from year 1 to 6 will access at least once a week. KS1 will focus on number bonds, KS2 will initial focus on multiplication facts, moving to a wide range of mental arithmetic skills by year 6.

Maths Curriculum Documents

 Maths curriculum intent 

 Maths curriculum year group progression 

 Maths curriculum vocabulary ladders progression 

 Maths curriculum whole school map and learning focus